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Repurposing Content: Why And How It’s Important

Crafting your content strategy for social media, can be a complex process as you aim to deliver a high value to your audience. A way to combat or ease this process is by repurposing content on videos.

What does this mean? Let’s break it down.

Repurposing content is using an existing piece of content and turn it into different formats, for a variety of purposes.

If you plan to create a video on a specific topic, have a think about what other ways can it be communicated?

Today, we discuss creating multiple pieces of content from 1 video, and the costs and time associated with repurposing content.

Video Content

Say you’ve decided on the topic of your video, you record it using a smartphone or camera.

You can turn video content into other forms such as live-streaming while shooting the video, transcribing for a blog post, uploading to your website or rip the audio file from the video to create a podcast.

There are many options for the routes you can take to create multiple formats of content.

Hint: To increase the audio quality of your video, add shotgun or lav mic microphone.

You will need someone to edit the video (either for free or outsourcing a paid video editor that can be found on Upwork from $10-50 per hour).

Once edited, upload the video onto your website and video hosting platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Live Streaming Videos

Live streaming is great for connecting with your audience in real-time, it is an excellent format for repurposing content and simultaneously when recording your video.

Head over to Facebook Live to learn more about the functions and how it works.

Quick tips for using Facebook Live

Before jumping on a live-stream, plan and create hype around the upcoming live video so your audience is aware of it and what you’ll be talking about.

Promote through your other social media networks as well – use them to your advantage.

During the live-stream, keep re-introducing yourself and what you’re discussing for as newcomers.

Once people start engaging, be responsive! Whether they’re leaving comments or dropping an emoji, encourage conversation and don’t forget to acknowledge interactions.

Lastly, connect with your audience. The whole purpose of live-streaming is to provide value and an opportunity for you to get to know your audience more and vice versa!

Trust, honesty and credibility are one of the most important things that need to be continually nurtured, and live-streaming is a great way of doing this.

We don’t recommend overly talking about your products or services, at the end of the video you can encourage them to get in touch if they’d like to learn more about the scope of your business and what you provide.

Blog Articles

Next step is transforming video into written content. The best place to start is to transcribe your existing video in the form of a blog post.

The easiest way to do this is through Rev, a service provider that transcribes your video for $1 per minute.

This is a convenient tool, but not always 100% accurate so it’s best to hire a copywriter from Upwork ($10-30 per hour).

They can make adjustments, ensure formatting is correct and you may ask them to add additional content for your readers.

Video content is different from written, long-form content, this is where a copywriter can communicate what you want to convey, in an articulate and engaging manner.

Following this step, upload your blog article to your website! Make sure you turn on the ability for readers to write comments on the post.

There are many reasons why it’s useful but most importantly you want to provide a space where you can open up a conversation between yourself and your audience.

Many comments can be spam, it’s essential to moderate them and keep a close eye on what is being said.


Did you know:

It was reported that “over 1.6 million Australians download audio or video podcasts in an average of four weeks, up from under 1 million just four years ago” (Ray Morgan, 2019).

It’s incredible how podcasts are rapidly growing – showing marketers now is the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon!

Read more here on the findings

You may question yourself and wonder how do I begin? Where do I start?

Remember that initial video you started with? You can rip the audio file from that video creating a podcast.

To do this, send it to an audio editor (can be a podcast editor service such as Pipe Wolf Media or outsource on Upwork for $10-30 per hour).

And voila! The next step for you is to upload your podcast onto audio platforms such as

SoundCloud, Podcasts on Apple, or Buzzsprout. It’s that simple.


What is Micro-content?

Micro-content is small pieces of content expressed via images, infographics, GIFs, quotes, memes, or short video clips obtained from a larger content format.

To transform it into micro-content for social media, it needs to be cut down to 1-2 minutes. The added benefit of this is you can create multiple videos from JUST ONE!

Remember: to trim a video, ideally you need a video editor from Upwork ($10-30 per hour) to make a seamless process for yourself.

Researchers have found that on average, readers attention span is about 8 seconds, so we really don’t have a lot of time to capture our audience.

Although – this is the key, right? It can often be the most difficult part, this is why you selectively choose and plan the type of content you want to create.

This is where a lot of businesses get stuck as it’s an ongoing process, and content strategies always need to be refined based on your goals and objectives.


Once you have the attention of your audience actively listening, this is an exciting time and process because this is how relationships develop in the digital space.

What Is The Costs of Repurposing Content: Finances and Time

It could take between 1-3 hours depending on the work involved, if you plan on outsourcing support to assist in this process, it will free up a lot of your time.

If you plan to create a 10-minute video, the estimated cost would be approximately $120 total per topic/week.

Cost Breakdown:

  • Editing – $30
  • Transcription & editing and formatting – $30
  • Podcast – $30
  • Video micro content – $30

      = $120 total per topic/week

It sounds overwhelming, but it’s important to think about how many formats of content you are creating just by using one piece of existing content. It’s quite relieving in a way, isn’t it?

What we’ve talked about today is just a couple of examples, they are definitely not exhaustive.

From just one video, you will now also have:

  • A live stream
  • A podcast episode
  • A blog post
  • Several short clips on different topics that can be spread out all over different social media platforms

Doing so expands your content marketing by creating multiple pieces of awesome content that people can digest on different platforms.

In doing so, you diversify your content which is essential as nobody likes to see the same type of content again and again when scrolling down their feed.

I hope you enjoyed this post and please keep your eyes peeled for future posts on all things business, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing to help you turn your business into an iconic brand!

Don’t forget you can connect with me on Instagram – @anthonygmurphy and please share this post with anyone you think would get some value from it.